Thursday, April 12, 2018

Week 2 - Target

Social Listening: Target
I selected Target to evaluate on social media. The Value proposition is low priced and variety of products. Some of the negative things people are saying are: "Being a former customer of target, I think that corporate should see why they are loosing customers. I wish that my experiences where as mild as this woman's was (then maybe I would still shop in your stores jump to 16:22 to hear about her experience)! Please use this as a way to train your employees....." and "I can say i am really disappointed in target's customer service. My package was damaged in transit. The tracking is not updated yet so customer service would not do anything" and "(If I decide to purchase from them again!) What a hassle." It is clear that Target is getting some comments from disappointed customers about their customer service and products. And to make things worse, Target is not only having trouble with a certain product but all of their products due to their horrible customer service. The major challenge Target is facing is how will Target identify these so called "poor customer service" employees and handle each individual case. This is also affecting how Target might market themselves and handle the poor comments. If I was the brand manager, I would respond to customers by apologizing and then attempting to pinpoint employees who have been treating the customers wrongly. Finally, I would pride the company on trying to hire better people and maybe have a more in depth interview before hiring.

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